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ramses vi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ramses vi"
  • The outer jambs for the main hall contain a text by Ramesses VI.
    Tiang luar untuk aula utama berisi teks oleh Ramses VI.
  • He reigned from about 1136 to 1129 BC and was the son of Ramesses VI.
    Ia bertakhta dari sekitar tahun 1136 sampai 1129 SM dan adalah putra Ramses VI.
  • She was still alive during the reign of Ramesses VI, when her granddaughter Iset became God's Wife of Amun.
    Ia masih hidup di masa pemerintahan Ramses VI, ketika cucunya Iset menjadi Istri Dewa Amun.
  • One of her children are known to us, Ramesses VI, who succeeded his nephew Ramesses V, the short-lived son of Ramesses IV.
    Salah satu anaknya yang kita kenal, Ramses VI, yang menggantikan keponakannya, Ramses V, putra Ramses IV yang hidup singkat.
  • It is possible he was dethroned by his paternal uncle and successor, Ramesses VI because Ramesses VI usurped his predecessor's KV9 tomb.
    Terdapat kemungkinan bahwa ia dipecat oleh pamanda maternalnya dan pewaris, Ramses VI karena Ramses VI merampas makam pendahulunya di KV9.
  • It is possible he was dethroned by his paternal uncle and successor, Ramesses VI because Ramesses VI usurped his predecessor's KV9 tomb.
    Terdapat kemungkinan bahwa ia dipecat oleh pamanda maternalnya dan pewaris, Ramses VI karena Ramses VI merampas makam pendahulunya di KV9.
  • The construction of the tomb may have started during the reign of her husband King Ramesses III, but it was finished during the reign of her son Ramesses VI.
    Pembangunan makam mungkin dimulai pada masa pemerintahan suaminya Raja Ramses III, namun selesai pada masa pemerintahan putranya, Ramses VI.
  • She was the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Ramesses VI and mother of Pharaoh Ramesses VII, Princess Iset (God's Wife of Amun) and Princes Amenherkhepshef and Panebenkemyt.
    Ia adalah Istri Kerajaan Agung Firaun Ramses VI dan ibunda Firaun Ramses VII, Putri Iset (Istri Dewa Amun) dan pangeran-pangeran Amenherkhepshef dan Panebenkemyt.
  • Other than Ramesses V, the grandchildren of Iset Ta-Hemdjert include Ramesses VII, the God's Wife of Amun Iset, and princes Amunherkhopsef and Panebenkemyt; these are all the children of Ramesses VI.
    Selain Ramses V, cucu Iset Ta-Hemdjert termasuk Ramses VII, Istri Dewa Amun Iset, dan pangeran-pangeran Amunherkhopsef dan Panebenkemyt; semua adalah keturunan Ramses VI.
  • Amenhotep II's KV35 tomb also proved to contain a mummy cache containing several New Kingdom Pharaohs including Thutmose IV, Seti II, Ramesses III, Ramesses IV, and Ramesses VI.
    Makam Amenhotep II di KV35 juga terbukti berisi kotak mumi dari beberapa Firaun Kerajaan Baru seperti Thutmose IV, Seti II, Ramses III, Ramses IV, dan Ramses VI.
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